Linking China to world-class learning

Webinar Invitation: Using Data to Drive Instruction


We are excited to invite you to our upcoming session Using Data to Drive Instruction.  Join us for our free live webinar with Jason Generally, former classroom teacher in the U.S. and a Chief Academic Officer for over 120 schools internationally, as he shares key strategies to help you:

. Explore real-time student data provided by Raz-Plus’s reports
. Make data-driven decisions in the classroom
. Connect data to your curriculum with research-based teaching resources
. Apply engaging activities and resources for students
. Easily explore and store rigorous, multi-level resources that are teacher-friendly
. Implement resources in class and assign them to go with a variety of instructional approaches

This webinar is beneficial to educators looking to deepen their understanding of effectively and efficiently using critical student data and make appropriate applications to targeted tools and resources to bridge the gap in student reading proficiencies!  Together we can meet the needs of every learner and foster a lifelong love of literacy!

Additionally, we will hand out a US$248 prize to a lucky draw winner! Don’t miss out!


我们很高兴邀请您参加即将到来的免费在线讲座 “利用数据推动教学”,与 Jason Generally 一起深入探讨关键策略。Jason 曾是一名美国教师,并担任过超过 120 所国际学校的首席学术官。他将在本次讲座中分享以下内容,帮助您:

. 查看Raz-Plus提供的有关学生学习的实时数据
. 基于数据作出有关教学的决策
. 利用基于研究的教学资源,将数据与课程内容紧密联系
. 运用有趣的活动和资源,激发学生的学习兴趣
. 轻松探索和管理严谨且多层次的资源,方便教师使用
. 结合不同的教学方法,在课堂中相应实施资源




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